Webinars & Courses

Apart from Dynamis School post-graduate study program, Jeremy and Camilla offer on-line webinars and teaching bundles.

FREE! Case solving exercise

This course was created in an interesting way. We had invited Homeopathic practitioners in Shilpa’s Homeopathy Network to post their frustrating and difficult cases for me to mentor and guide into. I chose one of those cases and created a series of sessions to demonstrate how I would personally solve that case. So in every session I go through a simplified step by step strategy to demonstrate my own case solving process clearly. Looking back I realised that this case brings together all my knowledge, wisdom and experience alive through the last 30 years in Homeopathic case solving process. And I found myself sharing some really simple and highly useful strategies for success in homeopathic cases that could be used in just about any homeopathic case. So personally it was an amazing journey and I hope it helps you in your own journey and enriches your own homeopathic case management.


Jeremy's Blueprint for Managing Epidemics & the Genus Epidemicus of AIDS

In this course Jeremy will bring together his incredible blueprint and practical gems on treating epidemics from his own extensive clinical experience in Africa over the last few decades to give you a step by step template for replicating his incredible success in an Epidemic Situation.

Simple Strategies for Success

Jeremy Sherr's Step by Step Blueprint To Dramatically Improve Your Homoeopathic Success.

This course is Jeremy’s entire blueprint on case management, philosophy and methodology in homoeopathy practice.

It is guaranteed to take your current success rate one level up no matter at what level of experience you start!

7R Webinar Series

Don’t have a link

Case Studies

In this course Jeremy has picked 10 incredible cases from his practice. And in each he will shows you how he takes the case, perceives what is to be cured, create a meaningful totality, identify core rubrics and then repertorize them using his incredibly effective tools, strategies and techniques.

He literally hand holds you through the repertorization process so you can follow it every step of the way.

And then he will show you how to scan the final remedies from the materia medica to make the prescription.

4R - Webinars

4R is a continuing webinar series, 4 remedies in each season.

Jeremy teaches one remedy at a time, in alphabetical order from A to Z, using Kent’s MM as his base.

In this series you will not only learn the remedies but Jeremy will weave a web of understanding from grammar to proving to folklore and more, using all systems of analyzing and synthesizing to arrive at a deep understanding of what the remedy is about.

You think you know Aethusa? Think again!

More Courses & Webinars